What's on My Mind

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Write About what Was I Think

Trying to express themselves in the virtual world unlimited with limited internet because connect which stammered. Filling time which spare more. More appropriate for someone whom stuck in the complicated situation, has no other job that could make money. I am unemployed, My job only spent the rice which cooked in the pot from the sweat of my husband.

Realizes better than disappointed. Without connections and higher education, do not dream of becoming a great man in generation like this. Many denials but not rare to justify the fact that the success anyone being the standard size is matter. Thus, I include the product categories failed...

There is no harm in trying ... to translate which I was think then write it. No need to mess around with potions word so that be a sentence was proportional. The important thing can speak without censorship, could show the world, ... my writing into the internet and unreadable at least for you. With use free blog occasionally I place modest photos from result snap a cheap camera. This is dedication the best of my version, with a squeeze of the brain that is not much insight. Please understand if it does not become a meaningful article. May not agree with this opinion. Pros and cons it was normal. While what said someone number one in a country, not all compact approved by unanimous voice.

I am Indonesia but I have a reason why write a blog in English. Not for showing off. How I show off it, while like you see....I did not speak english very well. That because, google require a site must be use English language to put his Adsense. I think you know I mean...

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